Peptides are short chains of amino acids that occur naturally in the body and provide a variety of health benefits. Synthetic peptides are available in powder form and must be reconstituted, or dissolved in liquid, before they can be used. Properly reconstituting your peptides is important to maintain potency and sterility. This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know to safely and accurately reconstitute peptides for research purposes.

What Are Peptides and How Are They Used?

Peptides are made up of 2 to 50 amino acids linked together via peptide bonds. Shorter peptide chains are known as oligopeptides, while longer chains are referred to as polypeptides. The unique sequence of amino acids gives each peptide its specific effects and properties.

Hundreds of peptides exist naturally in the human body. These help regulate various bodily functions like growth, digestion, immunity, and more. Synthetic peptide supplements have grown in popularity due to their versatility and potential benefits:

  • BPC-157 - Supports injury healing and gut health.
  • GHRP2 - Stimulates growth hormone release.
  • Ipamorelin - Increases growth hormone and IGF-1.
  • Melanotan II - Stimulates melanin production and tanning.
  • AOD-9604 - Metabolizes fat and supports weight loss.
  • TB-500 -Repairs and regenerates damaged tissues.
  • CJC-1295 -Boosts growth hormone and IGF-1 secretion.

Research shows peptides may help build muscle, burn fat, improve skin tone, enhance recovery, and more when used appropriately (5). However, peptides sold online are intended only for research use. They have not been approved by regulatory agencies like the FDA for medical use in humans.

It's crucial to take the proper precautions when handling unapproved peptides. Using the right solvents and sterile technique helps ensure accurate dosing and prevent contamination. Read on to learn the step-by-step process for safely reconstituting your peptides.

Why Reconstitute Peptides?

Peptides are synthesized in powder form. This makes them stable for shipping and storage at room temperature or refrigerated. However, peptides cannot be administered or used for research in their dry powder form.

Reconstitution is the process of dissolving or reconstituting the peptide powder in a liquid solvent to create an injectable solution. This serves several important purposes:

  • Achieve the desired concentration - The peptide powder must be diluted to a specific concentration suitable for dosing.
  • Improve absorption - Peptides dissolve easier and absorb better when in liquid form.
  • Allow accurate measuring - With peptides reconstituted into a liquid solution, doses can be precisely measured.
  • Maintain sterility - Using sterile solvents and technique prevents contamination.

Reconstitution is a simple process, but proper procedure must be followed to avoid degrading the peptide and to achieve accurate, sterile dosing.

Step 1: Choose the Right Solvent

The solvent you use to reconstitute peptides acts as a carrier, allowing the peptide to fully dissolve into solution. The most common solvents used are:

  • Bacteriostatic water - This is sterile water containing 0.9% benzyl alcohol as a preservative. It prevents bacterium from growing in the solution. Bacteriostatic water is recommended for most peptides.
  • Acetic acid - Some peptides that are more prone to degradation are reconstituted in dilute acetic acid solutions ranging from 1-30%. The acetic acid stabilizes the peptide bonds.
  • Sodium chloride - A 0.9% sodium chloride solution can be used to reconstitute certain peptides like TB-500. This creates an isotonic solution.
  • Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) - DMSO may be used as a solvent due to its permeability properties. However, it has potential toxicity with long-term use.

Only use solvents made and sold specifically for injections and reconstituting compounds for research. Never use tap water or non-sterile liquids, as these can introduce bacteria and affect the peptide's integrity.

Follow the reconstitution guidelines provided by your peptide supplier to choose the appropriate solvent and volume. If specific instructions are not provided, bacteriostatic water is recommended as a default.

Step 2: Calculate the Correct Concentration

Peptide powders come in a variety of sizes from 1mg up to 10mg or more. To reconstitute them into a usable solution, you'll need to dilute the powder to the desired concentration.

The concentration needed depends on:

  • The specific peptide being used
  • The dosage required based on research goals
  • How and where it will be administered

For example, a 5mg vial reconstituted in 5ml of solvent makes a solution with a concentration of 1mg/1mL. If you need a dosage of 200mcg for research administration, you would measure 0.2mL of the 1mg/1mL solution

Follow these steps to determine the proper concentration:

  1. Refer to your peptide supplier's reconstitution guidelines - These often provide specific instructions including solvent type and volume to use based on the peptide and vial size.
  2. Identify your desired concentration - A 0.9% sodium chloride solution can be used to reconstitute certain peptides like TB-500. This creates an isotonic solution.
  3. Determine the volume of solvent needed - Use this formula:
    Total peptide amount (in mcg) divided by Desired concentration (in mcg/mL) = Required solvent volume (in mL)*
    For example, to make a 250mcg/mL solution from a 5,000mcg (5mg) peptide vial: 5,000mcg / 250mcg/mL = 20mL

When in doubt, consult your peptide supplier. Accurately calculating the concentration allows precise dosing for research.

Step 3: Prepare Your Workspace

Reconstituting peptides requires diligent attention to cleanliness, organization, and sterile technique. This helps avoid contamination and maintains peptide integrity.

Set up your workspace:

  • Choose a clean, dry, and sanitized area with good lighting and access. A kitchen counter or tabletop works well.
  • Thoroughly clean the workspace with an antibacterial cleaner beforehand.
  • Wash your hands very well with soap and water before starting.

Gather all needed supplies:

  • Peptide vial
  • Solvent of choice
  • New, sterile syringes and needles
  • Alcohol pads
  • Paper towels
  • Sharps/biohazard disposal container
  • Pencil and paper for notes
  • Clean pair of gloves (optional)

Follow general sterile procedure:

  • Do not touch any sterilized items with bare hands. Use gloves or tweezers.
  • Keep peptide and solvent vial tops clean. Wipe with alcohol pads before piercing.
  • Do not allow syringe tips to touch any surfaces once unwrapped.
  • Lay out supplies in sequence of use to keep organized.

Preparing your clean workspace and supplies properly is a vital first step in the reconstitution process.

Step 4: Reconstitute the Peptide

Once your workspace is set up, you're ready to actually reconstitute the peptide powder. Follow these steps:

1. Clean peptide and solvent vial tops

Wipe the tops and necks of both the peptide and solvent vial with an alcohol pad. Allow to fully dry. This sanitizes the surface and prevents contaminants being introduced when piercing the vial.

2. Attach needle tip to syringe

Remove syringe and needle from packaging. Twist needle tip onto the syringe tightly. Do not touch the needle or allow it to contact any surfaces.

3. Draw desired solvent amount into syringe

Open solvent vial. Insert needle into center of stopper and draw back plunger to pull desired solvent amount into the syringe.

4. Inject solvent into peptide vial

Insert syringe needle fully into peptide vial stopper center. Slowly push the plunger down to empty syringe contents into the vial.

5. Roll vial gently

Gently roll the peptide vial between palms or rotate to fully saturate all the powder and dissolve it into solution. Do not shake vigorously.

6. Invert vial and draw mixture into syringe

Flip peptide vial upside down. Insert needle fully and slowly draw solution back into the syringe. The peptide is now reconstituted into the desired concentration.

7. Store reconstituted peptide properly

You can store it refrigerated or at room temperature for up to 30 days. Avoid freezing. Remember to gently swirl or invert the vial before each use to ensure an even distribution.

Follow sterile procedures throughout the process. Never let syringe tips touch surfaces, always wipe vial tops with alcohol beforehand, and attach a new sterile needle for each use.

Step 5: Harm Reduction Tips

When reconstituting and handling peptides, stick to safe practices:

  • Never share or reuse needles as this can spread blood-borne illness. Always use brand new, sterile needles for each injection.
  • Rotate injection sites with each administration and avoid overusing one area. Recommended sites include the abdomen, thighs, and upper arms.
  • Discard needles in a sharps container for safe disposal to prevent needlestick injuries. Do not put loose needles in the trash.
  • Swab injection site with alcohol to sanitize. Allow to fully dry before administering.
  • Wash hands thoroughly before and after injecting peptides. Maintain cleanliness.
  • Follow peptide supplier guidelines for storage temperatures, shelf life, dosing, and usage suggestions.
  • Consult a physician if new to using peptides or combining them with any medications or supplements. Seek medical advice before beginning your research.

Following these precautions will help reduce the risks associated with using unapproved peptides obtained for research purposes only.

Where to Buy Quality Peptides Online

When looking to purchase peptides online, finding a reputable supplier is key. Unfortunately, not all sources selling peptides are equal in purity, sterility, and safety.

Here are tips for identifying high quality vendors:

  • Select companies based in the USA - this ensures faster shipping and customer service
  • Check independent third-party reviews on places like TrustPilot and Google
  • Avoid buying from overseas peptide companies - higher risk of contaminated products
  • Look for certificates of analysis (COAs) proving third-party testing
  • Choose vendors with a large variety of peptides, vials, diluents available
  • Look for discreet shipping, secure payment methods, and encrypted websites when buying
  • Research the company’s reputation thoroughly before purchasing

Taking the time to carefully select an online peptide company will help ensure you receive top quality products for reconstitution.

Tips On Finding Peptides for Sale

Here are some tips on where to find peptides:

  • Search for companies located domestically within your own country, as international shipping can cause delays, customs issues, and longer wait times for customer service inquiries. Domestic sellers generally offer faster shipping and support.
  • Carefully research the reputation of any online peptide company you are considering buying from. Look for consistent positive reviews on third party websites like TrustPilot and Google. Previous customer experiences can reveal a lot about a vendor’s quality and service.
  • Be cautious of peptides for sale by overseas sellers, especially those shipping from places like China or India. International peptide companies have a higher risk of contaminated, impure, or otherwise unsafe products compared to domestic sources. The long distance shipping can also degrade peptides.
  • When possible, only buy peptides from vendors that provide third party lab testing. Reputable suppliers will have Certificates of Analysis (COAs) showing the verification of purity done by an outside analytical lab for each peptide batch. COAs ensure quality control.
  • Choose online peptide companies with a wide variety available for convenience. Look for GHRPs, GHRHs, Sermorelins, and other popular types, various vial sizes, and complementary bacteriostatic water for reconstitution. This allows you to source everything needed in one place.
  • Be selective and thoroughly vet peptide sellers online before purchasing. Prioritizing domestically shipped, third party tested peptides from trusted vendors will give you the highest quality compounds.

Frequently Asked Questions

What size/gauge needles should I use to draw and inject peptides?

Use a larger needle such as 18G or 20G to draw peptides and solvent into the syringe easily. Then switch to a smaller 25-27G needle for injecting. The smaller gauge needles are less painful for research subcutaneous injections.

How long can reconstituted peptides be stored?

Most peptides have a shelf life around 30 days when stored properly after reconstituting. Keep refrigerated or at room temperature - do not freeze. Store vials upright and avoid direct sunlight. Discard if any cloudiness, discoloration, or contamination appears.

What causes peptide degradation?

High temperatures, repeated freeze-thaw cycles, contamination, UV light exposure, and improper pH can all degrade peptides faster, reducing shelf life. Follow supplier storage guidelines.

Can I reuse syringes or needles for peptide injections?

Absolutely not. Always use brand new, sterile unused needles and syringes each time to prevent infection. Never reuse or share needles.

How much liquid is needed to reconstitute a 5mg peptide vial?

This depends on the desired concentration, but a good standard is to reconstitute 5mg peptide with 2-3mL of bacteriostatic water or preferred solvent. This provides a concentration of 1-2mg/mL for convenient dosing.


Peptides offer intriguing possibilities for research purposes, but must be properly reconstituted prior to use. Follow sterile procedures using new needles and the recommended solvents. Calculate the proper concentration and dose based on your research goals. Store reconstituted peptides correctly to maintain potency. Employing good harm reduction practices also helps reduce any risks associated with handling unapproved peptides.

With this step-by-step guide, you should now feel confident in accurately and safely reconstituting your peptide compounds. Take the necessary precautions, and you will have quality solutions ready for your important research.

Referenced Citations